Pronunciation Guide to Words in the Book
Norooz – no-rooz
(“New Day” or New Year)
Iran – ee-ron
Chahar Shanbeh Soori – cha-har shan-beh sue-ree
(The Wednesday evening celebration before Norooz)
Sorkhi-e toe az man, zardi-e man az toe – sor-khee-eh toe az man, zar-dee eh man az toe
(“Give me your vibrant (red) color and take my pale (yellow) color away!”)
Qashohg-zany – ghosh-ogh zah-nee
(“Spoon beating”)
Haji Firouz – ha-jee fee-rooz
(A man dressed in red satin, dancing and singing songs in the streets to announce the coming New Year)
Haft Seen – haft-seen
(Seven “s” table)
Sabzeh – sab-zay
(Wheat or lentils grown in a tray or dish, representing rebirth)
Seer – sear
Somaq – soo-magh
Serkeh – ser-kay
Sonbol – sown-bowl
(The Hyacinth flower)
Sekkeh – sek-kay
Shirini – sheer-een-ee
(Sugar cookies and pastries)
Divan-e Hafez – Dee-vah-nee Hah-fez
(A book of famous Persian poetry)
Aideh Shomah Mobarak – aid-eh show-mah mo-bah-rack
(Happy New Year!)
Aide – aid-ee
(A gift of new paper money or shiny coins)
Sabzi Polo Mahi – sabzee poe-low ma-hee
(A meal of fish and rice with herbs)
Kookoo Sabzi – kookoo sabzee
(A delicious dish, similar to quiche, made with various greens, herbs and eggs.)
Seezdeh Bedar – seez-deh beh-dar
(Going out on the thirteenth.)